
This position is largely that of leadership & organization. The chair is the communication conduit between all parties, as well as, sets and chairs committee meetings to ensure proper preparation for a successful event. At the event, the chair is the point person for all communications & problem solving. To lead a group that hosts an event of this magnitude is great fun, but requires organization skills and time.
BSA Liason
Judy G
The Boy Scouts of America Liason is the main source of communicaton with the hosting campground.
Site Coordinator
This poistion has many small, behind-the-scenes tasks such as Portalet rental, Table and Chair rentals, and most importantly, the insurance coverage for the event.
Amy W
The Treasurer is responsible for keeping track of all sales as well as Profit & Loss Statements, making deposits, Paypla transfers, paying bills etc.
Jerry K
This person is responsible for keeping minutes at all of our meetings and emailing the minutes to all committee members.
Food Service
Art, Linda, Jack, Linder
Food Service is the hardest working bunch on the committee. They set the menu, order the food, manage storage, and get volunteers to help them. This position requires a strong background knowledge in food ordering, prep work, supervision & strong organizational skills.
Web Master
The Web Master maintains the website, sends email blasts, and updates the Facebook group. Requires web development skills, with some type of programming experience.
Stage Manager
Brian L
The Stage Manager is responsible for setting the Soberstock Band Lineup, and helping run sound on the day of the event. This position requires a strong knowledge of sound reinforcement, coordination with bands and sound engineers, renting of equipment, has good problem-solving skills.
Brian L
The Entertainment Coordinator is responsible for entertainment in the main Hall on Friday & Saturday nights after the speaker meetings. In the past we've done a live band, open jam, open mic, live-band karaoke, karaoke, and a DJ.
The Promotions Chair duties include collaboration with a graphic dsigner and/or printing company, and promotional products companies. This person should recruit volunteers to help spread flyers at AA meetings and intergroup offices, and pre-selling t-shirts before the event.
Speaker Chair
Virgil M
This position is charged with finding 3 excellent speakers, and providing gifts for them. This person will chair all meetings, and find readers at each. In addition, you must choose 3 people at random throughout the weekend to speak at the Sunday "Came to Believe" meeting.
Volunteer Coordinator
This position recieved emails from volunteers via the website, organizes them, and assigns them to posts during the event.
This position processes and tracks incoming sales during the event, and manages pre-sale purchase hand-outs. Excel spreadsheet experience is preferable. The ability to recruit & staff the registration table is necessary.
The Al-anon/Alateen Chair is responsible for adding Al-anon and/orAlateen meetings to schedule, and getting speakers, chairs and readers for these meetings. This position is typically filled by an Al-anon member.
The Emcee is the inter-musical-act entertainer. Strong personality and presence is required.
Jenn A
Every event must have a nurse, just in case. Nursing knowledge recommended. Supplies will be provided.
Bill W
Cars gotta be parked in an orderly manner, or they ain't all gonna fit.
Fire Safety
Natalie M
Fire Safety is responsible for keeping our campfires under control as well as keeping guard of loose cigarette butts.